Friday, 3 July 2015

Configure Windows Live Writer 2012 to Blogger

Hi friends! Got irritated while Configuring Windows Live Writer 2012 to Blogger? Don't worry, I have got a new and 100% working method . Let's view...
Windows Live Writer is a free Blogging tool provided by Microsoft for Windows which makes it easier to post blog on many like Blogger,WordPress,SharePoint, etc. But it doesn't gets connected to G-mail account i.e. for blogger service due to some problems occurred while configuring to Blogger. This is due to the Security Update done by Google in G-mail accounts. There are many posts available on Web discussing methods to resolve this issue but doesn't work. So, I had decided to find out a way to resolve this issue and today got success. Here is the method:-

Click on download button to download MS-WORD document having instruction with Images.(235KB)(recommended)

View the Steps Here:-
1. Open Windows Live Writer 2012.
2. Select Other Services option and click on Next button.
3. Then Enter you details and click on Next button.
4. You will see a message telling 'The username or password is incorrect. please try again'.
5. Now close the Live Writer. 
6. Then login to your Gmail account and go to the given link:-


7. There will be two options available for 'Access for less Secure Apps'. Click on Turn On
8. Now you can easily configure Live Writer to Blogger.

Note: I am not responsible for any Security Matters of your account. For more, click HERE 
Don't forget to give feedback through comments.


  1. It didn't work for me, i followed all the steps and still not working

  2. It didn't work for me too.
    I also followed some other steps that I found on the net, creating a "second password for apps" but it dind't work too.
    Is there any body that could solve this issue ?

    Tell me please. !

    Thanks !! :D

  3. What Problem you both are facing?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I kept a blog on blogger in 2013. I recently decided to add another. With my first blog I used Windows Live Writer. It worked wonderfully. Now I can't even get into it as the others have also complained about here. I have tried ALL of the suggestions. I even uninstalled it and installed Open Live Writer. NOTHING is working. Very frustrating. It's so time consuming to try and get back in there to use it again. Has anyone come up with a new idea? Thanks, Carol

    (reposted after editing)

  6. These did not work for me. However the newest version of LiveWriter Did! You can find out more about it and get it here:
